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Las mujeres y los hombres necesitan un equilibrio saludable de estrógeno, progesterona y testosterona.

Los síntomas en las personas que carecen de un equilibrio hormonal adecuado pueden incluir aumento de peso, cambios de humor, falta de energía, osteoporosis, pérdida de elasticidad muscular y de la piel y cambios en la agudeza mental.

El desequilibrio hormonal puede ocurrir por una multitud de razones a cualquier edad, sin embargo, dos de las más comunes son la menopausia en las mujeres y la andropausia en los hombres.

El proceso de la menopausia en una mujer puede ser un importante disruptor hormonal y, a menudo, causa disminución de la libido, sequedad vaginal, irritabilidad de la vejiga y sofocos. Los cambios hormonales que resultan de la menopausia pueden tratarse de forma segura y corregirse para garantizar un envejecimiento saludable. Lo mismo ocurre con los hombres que experimentan andropausia (es decir, cambio de vida masculino).

Nuestro programa incluye análisis de sangre junto con apoyo hormonal y HCG, batido matutino y vitaminas que equilibran las hormonas.


1) ¿Quién puede beneficiarse de la terapia de reemplazo hormonal bioidéntica?


La terapia hormonal bioidéntica puede ayudar tanto a hombres como a mujeres a mejorar su salud, bienestar y longevidad. Las mujeres que sufren síntomas tempranos de la menopausia que buscan poner fin a los sofocos, los sudores nocturnos, la pérdida de memoria, los cambios de humor, el aumento de peso y la libido baja están recurriendo a la terapia de reemplazo hormonal bioidéntica.


El equipo de la Juventis diseña programas individualizados específicamente para cada mujer que sufre síntomas de menopausia precoz, menopausia, perimenopausia y síndrome premenstrual grave.


Los hombres que experimentan andropausia (la menopausia masculina) que quieren controlar su peso, perder la libido, fatiga, estrés, energía, masa muscular y grasa corporal también están encontrando soluciones a través de esta terapia hormonal natural. Para los hombres, la andropausia ocurre gradualmente y, cuando se diagnostica, los síntomas se tratan con éxito mediante la terapia hormonal bioidéntica aquí en Juventis MedSpa.



2) ¿Qué puede hacer por mí la terapia de reemplazo de hormonas bioidénticas?

Tanto hombres como mujeres pueden experimentar una disminución de la producción de hormonas a partir de los treinta y cinco años. Cuanto mayores sean sus niveles de estrés, más probabilidades tendrá de experimentar una aparición temprana de estos síntomas. Si experimenta síntomas de desequilibrio hormonal, las hormonas naturales pueden aliviar sus síntomas, mejorando su salud desde adentro hacia afuera ... Recupere su energía y siéntase fuerte y vital una vez más. Mejore su impulso sexual, duerma mejor, pierda peso, tenga un pensamiento más concentrado, así como una piel más clara y de aspecto más joven.



3) ¿En qué consiste la Terapia de Reemplazo de Hormonas Bioidénticas?
Las hormonas se administran en forma de cremas, geles, píldoras, inyecciones o gránulos. Con el tiempo, se seguirán controlando sus niveles hormonales y se realizarán los ajustes necesarios. La clave para obtener resultados exitosos es un enfoque individualizado creado por un médico especialmente capacitado en terapia hormonal bioidéntica, como el Dr. Rubin en Juventis MedSpa.





Weight Loss and Muscle Growth Therapy



Starting at around the age of 30, human growth hormone production starts declining for both men and women. Sermorelin therapy intends to replace this lost HGH with the use of a compound called Sermorelin acetate. Sermorelin is not HGH, it is a growth hormone secretagogues (GSHs) which is a class of molecules that stimulates the secretion of GH from the pituitary gland. Sermorelin therapy is a gradual anti-aging therapy that can take a few months before the effects start to become noticeable, although many patients experience positive health effects within just days or weeks of starting the therapy. Even if you have a small HGH deficiency, you will likely start noticing positive health effects soon after starting the treatment.


Sermorelin supports natural HGH production which is essential for overall cell regeneration and cell reproduction, leading to improved vitality, cognitive function, and overall anti-aging benefits. Sermorelin is a well-tolerated and safe way to increase your natural production of human growth hormone. And since it is a growth hormone secretagogue (which naturally increases your own natural growth hormone production instead of replacing it), it’s a much safer option than synthetic HGH.


Why is SERMORELIN Better Than Taking HGH?

Unlike HGH, sermorelin has few adverse symptoms; this is because sermorelin causes the body to produce GH naturally. Most men report a noticeable difference in symptoms of low GH after only three months of therapy.

Sermorelin has been shown to promote increased bone density, better muscle, and joint health, reverse weakness caused by aging, and decrease risk factors for heart attack and stroke.

Since its introduction to the medical field, many men with hormone deficiency have found it to help manage secondary conditions such as osteoporosis, loss of muscle tone, fatigue, and weight gain.

Other reported benefits of sermorelin therapy are more restful sleep, a stronger immune system, and a better sense of overall wellbeing. Many testosterone replacement therapy patients also find sermorelin to be a helpful addition to testosterone replacement therapy since it decreases the likelihood of certain side effects.​


How Does SERMORELIN Help Me Lose Weight?

Human growth hormone, or HGH, is a naturally occurring substance that is responsible for growth and development. When we are young, HGH is produced in large amounts. However, as we get older, our HGH levels decline. Human growth hormone is essential for children, and without it, they may fail to grow normally. It also plays an important role in some bodily functions, including tissue repair, brain function, metabolism, and energy.


Sermorelin is a synthetic substance that is actually a human growth hormone-releasing hormone. This means that it stimulates the pituitary gland to create and release more human growth hormone. In stimulating this natural process, it means that patients don’t have to take artificial growth hormones but can instead see their own production increase. 

SERMORELIN For Weight Loss
While sermorelin injections are regularly used to treat growth problems in children, some studies have also found that a boost of sermorelin can be beneficial in helping adult patients to lose weight.


Studies have found that people who are overweight or obese have much lower levels of human growth hormone than those who are of a healthy weight. Studies have found that by giving adults sermorelin, it can encourage the natural improvement in HGH production which in turn can improve total body composition – this means increasing bone and muscle mass and decreasing fat. This could help patients to lose some of their excess weight, plus benefit from a better shape through improved muscle mass.


It is important to note that no additional treatment will be successful alone. Sermorelin must be combined with a healthy balanced diet and regular exercise if patients are to obtain and sustain their weight loss results.



The combination of ipamorelin & CJC is effectively used for antiaging purposes. They work together to increase the natural production of growth hormone for improved energy, fitness& Overall health.



Tesamorelin reduces excess abdominal fat while simultaneously increasing muscle mass. Tesamorelin is currently the most effective GH releasing hormone on the market.

Tesamorelin is an injectable prescription medication that reduces excess abdominal fat while simultaneously increasing muscle mass. Tesamorelin is currently the most effective GH (Growth Hormone) releasing hormone on the market. It has shown to significantly reduce abdominal fat with fewer side effects than human growth hormone itself.


Many Health Benefits of the Morelins’

  • Increased lean body mass

  • Fat reduction

  • Improved energy

  • Increased vitality

  • Increased strength

  • Increased endurance

  • Accelerated wound healing

  • Improved skin quality and higher collagen density / Anti-aging agents

  • Increased natural production of HCH to build strong muscles

  • Increased lean body mass

  • Amazing at breaking down fat / Fat reduction

  • Decreases the sugar in your fat cells

  • Improves focus and concentration

  • Improves cognition and memory

  • Improved libido / Improves energy / Increases vitality

  • Increases strength / Increases endurance

  • Increases sex drive

  • Strengthens the immune system

  • Improved cardiovascular and kidney function

  • Accelerated wound healing

  • Better sleep quality


Improved bone density You may see some of the quicker results mentioned above within a few days to weeks of your start time, but to see real results with the therapy you need to continue it for at least three months. There is no reason why you can’t take any of the Morelin’s for up to twelve months or even longer because it is a safe treatment and there is no indication that there are any long-term negative health effects from it.

© 2021 por Juventis Med Spa

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